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Start learning Ukrainian, improve your language skills and discover Ukrainian culture with Anna Ohoiko and the weekly Ukrainian Lessons Podcast episodes.
Home > 10 Ukrainian Homonyms with Illustrative Pictures
10 Ukrainian Homonyms with Illustrative Pictures
Do you know any homonyms in your language? These words sound exactly the same but mean absolutely different things. Learn some homonyms in Ukrainian with pictures at our blog today!
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The focus of today’s post is words that can be confused with each other. «Слова» [pl. words] that seem to be «однакові» [the same] but really are «різні» [different]. In linguistic terms, these words are defined as «омоніми» [homonyms].
Many, if not all, languages have homonyms. Ukrainian is no exception. It might make things confusing even for someone advanced in the language when you see a word like ручка and don’t know if this time it means a handle or a pen. I’ll give you some examples of Ukrainian homonyms.
1. Метелик
Метелик — bow-tie; butterfly.
2. Пара
Пара — couple; steam.
3. Місяць
Місяць — moon; month.
4. Блискавка
Блискавка — lightning; zipper.
5. Люлька
Люлька — tobacco pipe; cradle.
6. Ручка
Ручка — pen; hand.
7. Замок
Замок — castle; замок — lock, padlock.
8. Кран
Кран — crane; tap.
9. Коса
Коса — braid; scythe.
10. Оселедець
Оселедець — herring; top knot; hairstyle favored by Zaporozhian Cossacks.
This is a list of some of the most common homonyms in the Ukrainian language – we hope you’ll enjoy it!