Сполучники or conjunctions are small words that connect words, phrases, and clauses into sentences (and, but, or, because, etc.). Remembering an array of them can be challenging for learners; on the other hand, mastering them makes you speak and write like a pro!
There are two types of Ukrainian conjunctions:
- Coordinating conjunctions connect similar parts of a sentence, like words or phrases, and are used in compound sentences.
- Subordinating conjunctions link different parts of a sentence and are used in complex sentences.
Learn more about compound and complex sentences, particularly the use of conjunctions in them, in our comprehensive article.
We have prepared a full guide with different types of Ukrainian conjunctions — use it as a map to choose the best one for any situation!

Would you like to learn more tiny but very important words in Ukrainian? Check out our handy chart of Ukrainian prepositions of time!
Feel free to save or bookmark our Guide on Ukrainian conjunctions that will come in handy for your journey of learning Ukrainian!
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