We have many СПОЛУЧНИКИ (conjunctions) in Ukrainian, each with its own meaning and nuance. Many learners find them tricky to master, but we’re here to help!

In this chart, we will focus on the most common Ukrainian conjunctions І, Й, ТА, А, АЛЕ, АБО, and ЧИ. These conjunctions are used frequently and often confuse learners. 

How to use the Ukrainian conjunctions І, Й, and ТА? What is the difference between І and А, or АБО and ЧИ? Take a look at our charts with common Ukrainian conjunctions to find out!

Connecting Conjunctions І, Й, ТА

Contrasting Conjunctions A, АЛЕ, ТА

Dividing Conjunctions АБО, ЧИ

Difference between І, А, and АЛЕ

Learners often ask about the difference between the Ukrainian conjunctions І and А, as well as “А” and “АЛЕ“. To clarify, we have created a simple table to break them down.

The table shows three levels of contrast, from the lowest (“І“) to the highest (“АЛЕ“). Explore the table below to understand the differences!


We hope our detailed explanations have clarified the most common Ukrainian conjunctions. Now, it’s your turn to put them into practice — this is the only way to truly master these tricky little words.

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