Practice your Ukrainian pronunciation with rhythm and fun! Check out our collection of скоромовки — Ukrainian tongue twisters, listen and repeat!

1. A barefoot boy is cutting the hay.

2. The pine cones are on the pine treeThe checkers are on the table.

3. Maryna was eating raspberries.

4. A saltcellar stands (is) on the table. There is salt in the saltcellar.

5. A starling sat on the nest box and sang to a rooster: “You can’t do like me. I can’t do like you.”

6. There is grass outside, there is firewood on the grass.

7. The paths are running among the blackberries. And Zhenia already has a handful of blackberries.

8. There is smoke in Dima’s house. Oh, let’s go there, let’s go save Dima’s house!

9. A little sparrow flew and sat on the small pillar. A boy came running and the little sparrow ran away.

10. A fox has met another fox in the forest. The foxes (the fox with the other fox) hugged each other.


Hope you liked our compilation of Ukrainian tongue twisters! These are great for mastering your pronunciation and reading skills. Remember: first, repeat them slowly, and only then gradually increase the speed of how you read them out loud 😉

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