Ukrainian Pronouns ВЕСЬ (УВЕСЬ), ВСЯКИЙ (УСЯКИЙ), КОЖЕН (КОЖНИЙ): Declension Table

Mastering pronouns is an important step in learning any language. Thus, we have prepared a chart of the Ukrainian pronouns весь, всякий, кожен, кожний along with their full declensions!
Ukrainian Pronouns ЦЕЙ and ТОЙ: Declension Table

Though small, pronouns are crucial in communication. Discover the Ukrainian pronouns цей and той and their full declension with our table!
Ukrainian Possessive Pronouns Declension Table

Study our Ukrainian possessive pronouns declension table ― you can bookmark, save, and/or print this chart to have your Ukrainian possessive pronouns always handy!
What Is the Difference Between ТВІЙ and СВІЙ in Ukrainian?

Свій is a reflective possessive pronoun that can be translated as (your) own. But sometimes translation is not enough. The dictionary tells us that свій can also mean your (and my, his, her, etc.). So how are you to decide when to use which? 🤔
Займенники — Pronouns in Ukrainian (with Illustrations and Audio)

Ukrainian personal pronouns (особові займенники) are straightforward. Find the list of all personal pronouns in Ukrainian below with pronunciation.