The song “Chervona Ruta” (“ЧЕРВОНА РУТА”), written in the 1970s by renowned Ukrainian composer Volodymyr Ivasiuk, is one of the most iconic Ukrainian hit songs. Every Ukrainian knows its lyrics and melody by heart, making it a symbol of national unity.

Discover Volodymyr Ivasiuk’s song heritage, rise to fame, and sudden death in Ukrainian Lessons Podcast Episode 239, all narrated in slow Ukrainian!

Chervona Ruta: history of the song

The choice of the flower ЧЕРВОНА РУТА (red ruta), a Carpathian rhododendron, was intentional, deeply rooted in Ukrainian folklore and legends.

Chervona ruta is central to СВЯТО КУПАЛА (Kupala Night), ancient pagan festivities celebrating the summer solstice between July 6 and 7. The legends describe chervona ruta as a mystical healing plant found in КАРПАТИ (the Carpathian Mountains), whose flowers turn from yellow to red for just a few minutes during Kupala Night.

Credit: H. Zell, CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons

The fortunate girl who finds and picks chervona ruta on that night can attract a loved one and find happiness.

Inspired by Ukrainian folk songs КОЛОМИЙКИ (kolomyiky), Volodymyr Ivasiuk wrote the song about chervona ruta and love which captivated millions of listeners across the Soviet Union.

Enjoy incredible Ukrainian music heritage and listen to the most popular folk songs in our collection where we explain their meaning!

In the age of oppression and the diminished role of national cultures, the song Chervona Ruta became the epitome of Ukrainian identity and the beauty of Ukrainian culture. Over 50 years later, it remains as beloved as ever. 

So, join Ukrainians worldwide and sing along to this beautiful song with the help of the lyrics and English translations!

Ukrainian lyrics and English translations

Ти признайся мені,You admit to me,
Звідки в тебе ті чари,Where did you get those charms?
Я без тебе всі дніWithout you, every day
У полоні печалі.I am trapped in sorrow.
Може, десь у лісахMaybe somewhere in the forests,
Ти чар-зілля шукала,You searched for magic herbs,
Сонце-руту знайшлаFound the sun ruta,
І мене зчарувала?And enchanted me?
Червону рутуDon’t look for the red ruta
Не шукай вечорами, –In the evenings –
Ти у мене єдина,You are the only one for me,
Тільки ти, повір.Only you, believe me.
Бо твоя врода –For your beauty –
То є чистая вода,Is like pure water,
То є бистрая водаLike swift water
З синіх гір.From the blue mountains.
Бачу я тебе в снах,I see you in my dreams,
У дібровах зелених,In the green groves,
По забутих стежкахOn forgotten paths
Ти приходиш до мене.You come to me.
І не треба нестиAnd there’s no need to bring
Мені квітку надії,Me a flower of hope,
Бо давно уже тиFor long ago you
Увійшла в мої мрії.Entered my dreams.

Explore the treasures of Ukrainian music through our selection of Ukrainian lyrics with English translations on our website!

Chervona Ruta songs and karaoke

Enjoy the most iconic performances of “Chervona ruta” by composer ВОЛОДИМИР ІВАСЮК (Volodymyr Ivasiuk) and by singer ТАРАС ЧУБАЙ (Taras Chubai)!

And to practice your singing (and Ukrainian, of course), try this video with КАРАОКЕ (karaoke):

Would you like to learn to understand more Ukrainian? Check our article about the best Ukrainian radio stations online and prepare your ear to a lot of listening. Or learn Ukrainian wherever you are with our free Ukrainian Lessons Podcast.