Where to eat in Lviv? This city is the capital of Ukrainian food tourism. Because of the variety of nationalities, who have all brought in a part of their unique cuisine, Lviv is famous for Ukrainian, Polish, Austrian, and Jewish dishes and drinks.
There are so many different cafés, restaurants, and snack bars that it is impossible to visit all of them even if you live in Lviv for years 😀 That is why we created the Ukrainian Lessons Food Guide to Lviv, for you not to miss the important parts of the city’s culture!
Click on the name of the place to check its website or Facebook page.
Check out the first of our guides to Lviv: best places to visit!
To eat
Ресторація Бачевських

Where: вулиця Шевська, 8 (Shevska street, 8)
Open: 8.00-00.00
This is a nice place for breakfast. The restaurant is open from 8 a.m. and is located in the very center of the city. The food is great, and the service will also surprise you. Baczewski family owned the first big gorilka (Ukrainian alcohol beverage) factory in the world! This place continues family traditions and offers about 50 types of liqueurs after 2 p.m.

Where: площа Ринок, 45 (Rynok square, 45)
Open: 8.00-00.00
You can have breakfast or lunch in a cozy place with a view of Rynok Square here. Designed with antique chairs, sofas, and lamps, it creates an atmosphere of those good old times without the internet and cell phones. When you sit here, you feel like you’ve just closed your newspaper and called the cab to go home.

Where: вулиця Староєврейська, 40 (Staroyevreiska street, 40)
Open: 11.00-23.00
If you want to try Belgian waffles made the Ukrainian way, with different sweet or savory fillings, try Sowa café! It’s a cozy place with cotton clouds on the ceiling and flowers on the tables. Children are excited about this place, too. You can leave them playing in the special area and just rest for some time.
Масонська ложа (Найдорожча ресторація Галичини)

Where: площа Ринок, 14 (Rynok square, 14)
Open: 12.00-02.00
This is a secret place that will pleasantly surprise you. Just walk upstairs near Kryivka, open the doors, and see what happens. But don’t tell anyone else!
Пузата хата

Where: вулиця Січових Стрільців, 12 (Sichovyh Striltsiv street, 12); проспект Шевченка, 10 (Shevcheko avenue, 10)
Open: 8.00-23.00
If you like to eat fast and cheap but want to try traditional Ukrainian food, you should definitely visit this place! It is a Ukrainian fast-food chain with healthy and fancy dishes. Sounds too good to be true? Just try the famous deruny, syrnyky, borshcht or chicken Kyiv with buckwheat to find out just how nice a casual place can be.
Are you planning a trip to Ukraine? Our Short & useful Ukrainian questions you should learn for your trip will definitely come in handy!
To have a coffee
Світ кави

Where: площа Катедральна, 6 (Katedralna square, 6), площа Ринок, 30 (Rynok square, 30), вулиця Кульпарківська, 59 (Kulparkivska street, 59)
Open: 7.45-23.00
This place (on Катедральна street) is hidden between Каплиця Боїмів and Латинська катедра. This is more than a café because all the coffee is roasted here and taken from the plantations by the members of the company. Actually, Світ кави has recently become a producer of coffee, not only a café. And there are really a lot of coffee varieties and methods of making coffee. There are also great strudels and sweet cheesecakes, which all taste amazing with a cup of exclusive coffee.
Львівська копальня кави

Where: площа Ринок, 10 (Rynok square, 10)
Open: 8.00-00.00
This is the most famous tourist coffee place in Lviv. There are always many people, and sometimes even guides with their tours come to Львівська копальня кави to show the tourists the big cellars where coffee is made. The service is good, and the coffee is nice, too. If you decide to go there, try запаяна кава. You will be surprised!
Золотий дукат

Where: вулиця Івана Федорова, 20 (Ivana Fedorova street, 20)
Open: 10.00-22.00
The building belonging to this coffee house is a part of UNESCO World Heritage. After archeological research, scientists found a pot full of gold coins there! That is why this café is called Золотий дукат – Golden Ducat. This is a place with history: every coffee house is opened in a historic building. Try a tasty coffee and enjoy the stories!
Віденська кав’ярня

Where: проспект Свободи, 12 (Svobody avenue, 12)
Open: 9.00-00.00
It is an old and extremely intellectual coffee house, where old aristocrats meet and discuss important world problems. Sometimes it is possible to see journalists interviewing a scientist or a writer. Still, Віденська кав’ярня is a cozy place, and it is not expensive. The prices are average here, but the atmosphere is lofty. You should try coffee with egg yolk here – it has an unusual, sweet, and flavorful taste.
Під синьою фляжкою

Where: вулиця Руська, 4 (Ruska street, 4)
Open: 10.00-22.00
This place has the spirit of old good Austria. Time is powerless in this ancient house. Під синьою фляжкою is one of the first coffee houses in all of Europe. Юрій Кульчицький founded it in 1686. You can look at the age-long walls while enjoying a cup of coffee in candlelight. The drink recipes are traditional. They were discovered in the early 17th century!
Check out our Questions for small talk in Ukrainian if you plan on talking to locals on your trip to Lviv! (And even if you don’t plan that, it’s always better to be prepared ;))
To have a drink
Букет вина

Where: вулиця Староєврейська, 15 (Staroyevreiska street, 15)
Open: 11.00-23.00
A large selection of good wines and cheap prices make this wine bar one of the most popular in the center of the city. Try a barrel you like and drink it with a plate of delicate cheese.
Правда. Beer Theatre

Where: площа Ринок, 32 (Rynok square, 32)
Open: 11.00-23.00
If you are a fan of beer, you should probably visit this “beer theater.” There are a couple of beer brands on tap and a lot of bottled ones. All beer is made by this company, and you can watch the production process on the first floor of the building. Don’t be afraid of experiments!
П’яна вишня

Where: площа Ринок, 11 (Rynok square, 11), вулиця Краківська, 1/3 (Krakivska street, 1/3), вулиця Арсенальна, 3 (Arsenalna street, 3)
Open: 10.00-00.00
This is not cherry juice; it is a liqueur! П’яна вишня has grown into a franchise in the past years. You should try one or two glasses of their liqueur. Its best part is on the bottom – three cherries, which have a special taste.

Where: вулиця Друкарська, 3 (Drukarska street, 3)
Open: 11.00-23.00
As you see, liqueurs are popular in Lviv, and here is one more place for you to try them. You can even order a set of liqueurs to take a shot of each one. There is also a tasty plum wine and a large selection of craft beer.
There is a variety of food, meaning there is something special for everyone! The history of the place is also an essential part of this restaurant. It was the last post office of the previous era without internet connection and cell phones. The biggest collection of Lviv postcards is exhibited right here.
Honorable mentions
- Криївка (площа Ринок, 14) – a famous war-themed nationalistic bar
- Кумпель (вулиця Винниченка, 6) – a pub where you can have a meal and drink beer
- Da Vinci (проспект Свободи, 22) – an Italian restaurant
- ЯпонаХата (проспект Свободи, 29) – sushi-bar
We hope you follow some of our advice and visit these amazing Lviv places! Tag us on Instagram @ukrainianlessons when you do 😉
Гарної подорожі! Have a great trip to Lviv!
For a compilation of useful phrases for traveling to Ukraine (plus a cheat sheet!), visit this article of ours 🙂
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