Ukraine is at war and needs your support more than ever. Even a few kind words in Ukrainian can help someone to feel a little bit better. Here is our list of Ukrainian phrases to express support to your relatives and friends from Ukraine!
Feel free to text them to people, post them on your social, and learn how to say them with our audio tracks to greet people from Ukraine around the world.
Last note: at the bottom of the list, we have some strong (and very popular) profanities regarding russia and its leader; feel free to skip them if you prefer not to learn them.
Expression of solidarity with Ukraine

Translation: Instead of saying “Good day,” now we greet each other “Glory to Ukraine!” We will have a good day when we win.
Expressing concern: questions
Would you like to learn more questions in Ukrainian? Check out our guide on small talk in Ukrainian.
Wishing health and safety
Learn more ways to express sadness with our infographic (with audio recordings!)
Condemning Russia’s aggression (strong profanity)

«Russian warship, go fuck yourself!» has become a catchphrase since the first day of the Russo-Ukrainian War. In this way, 13 Ukrainian defenders of Snake Island responded to the Russian warship about its demand to surrender. The Ukrainian postal service, Ukrposhta, commemorated this phrase in a postage stamp.
Now you can express support to Ukrainians in their native language. If you would like to support Ukraine in other ways, check out our article: How to help Ukraine: 6 ways to support Ukraine in the Russo-Ukrainian War
Learning Ukrainian and looking for great resources?
Check our 1000 most common words in Ukrainian with interactive flashcards. Also, you can learn Ukrainian step by step wherever you are with our free Ukrainian Lessons Podcast.