What is the difference between техніка і технології in Ukrainian?
Listen to this Ukrainian Lessons Podcast episode about the technology in Ukrainian to learn new words, discover Dative case uses, and practice!
In this Ukrainian Lesson, you will:
- listen to my introduction in Ukrainian about the new topic for the next episodes;
- learn the words to talk about technology in Ukrainian;
- listen to the conversation about phones, tablets, and computers;
- discover the main uses of Dative case in Ukrainian;
- learn the forms of the Ukrainian pronouns in Dative and practice;
- learn more about buying a phone in Ukraine!
Transcript, Vocabulary List, and Flashcards!
Download this Lesson’s Notes for free! The PDF includes:
- Full transcript & translation of all the Ukrainian parts of the lesson (including the introduction);
- Dialogue and question: use the PDF as a worksheet to write down the answer to my questions before the dialogue;
- Grammar charts: a chart of pronouns in Dative & a table of the Dative cases uses;
- Bonus Exercise: fill in the blanks in another dialogue on the topic;
- Vocabulary List: new words from the episode in a chart with English translation.
As a premium member, you also get access to:
- The lesson notes of the episodes you subscribe to;
- Private Community on Facebook for the free practice of Ukrainian;
- Digital flashcards with all the new words every 10 episodes!