And here it comes, the last episode of Season 1 of the Ukrainian Lessons Podcast series for Beginners.
This special lesson is a Q&A – Запитання та відповіді with your вчителька української Анна.
You asked запитання about Ukraine, the Ukrainian language, and culture, and here are the answers – відповіді!
In this Ukrainian Lesson, you will:
- first, listen to the question asked by the ULP listeners from different countries;
- second, get Anna’s answer in simple Ukrainian;
- third, listen to the answers for the second time with more explanations of the new vocabulary in English;
- discover some interesting facts about Ukrainian food, music, culture, and language;
- get to know the exciting news about Anna!
Ukrainian Festivals mentioned in the episode:
- Фестиваль дерунів у Коростені
- Джазовий фестиваль “Alfa jazz fest“
- Рок-фестиваль “ZAHID FEST“
- Рок-фестиваль “Республіка“
- Книжковий фестиваль у Києві “Книжковий ареснал“
- Музичний фестиваль “Atlas Weekend“
- Фестиваль сучасного мистецтва “Gogol Fest“
Transcript, Vocabulary Lists, and Flashcards!
- Full transcript & translation of both questions and answers;
- Bonus Exercises to practice the vocabulary and grammar featured in the last 10 episodes;
- Vocabulary List: all the new words and phrases from the Q&A session.
The ULP Flashcards!
As a premium member, you can get sets of flashcards for every 10 lessons of the Podcast! They include all the vocabulary from the episodes with translation, pronunciation, and pictures to remember. Great way to make those words stuck in your head!
You can use a free app called Anki to open a deck of flashcards that we’ve developed for you. Anki has proved to be extremely effective for remembering vocabulary. Have a look at how awesome it looks!