If you are lost in a city in Ukraine, ask a stranger for directions in Ukrainian!

In this episode of the Ukrainian Lessons Podcast, you will learn and practice asking for directions in Ukrainian and understanding them.

Праворуч чи ліворуч? Right or left? 🤔

In this Ukrainian Lesson, you will:

  • listen to the conversation on the street of Kyiv;
  • learn and practice the directions in Ukrainian (right, left, go, turn, etc.);
  • discover the words for two types of stations in Ukrainian;
  • learn two ways to say Good luck! in Ukrainian;
  • learn more about вокзал – railway station in Ukraine!

Transcript, Vocabulary Lists, and Bonus Materials

Become Ukrainian Lessons Premium member and get access to this lesson’s PDF Notes, which include:
  • Transcript and translation of the dialogue;
  • Detailed explanations of all points covered in the episode;
  • Bonus Exercise to practice the directions in Ukrainian;
  • Vocabulary List: all the words and phrases from the lesson;
  • Bonus Vocabulary List: more useful words of places in Ukrainian.
Also! As a premium member, you get great sets of flashcards for every 10 lessons of the Podcast! They include all the vocabulary from the episodes with translation, pronunciation, and pictures to remember.
As a great example of flashcards, we’ve got the 100 most common words in Ukrainian for free in the same format.