Have you heard of барвінок, калина, верба, чорнобривці? These and other plants and trees are extremely important in Ukrainian culture. Find out more about the floral symbols of Ukraine in the new advanced podcast episode!

Remember, this episode is entirely in Ukrainian. For episodes with English, check out our Season 1 or Season 2.











Music in the podcast:

Onuka – ZENIT

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    Learning Ukrainian? Then, I’m sure you’ll enjoy the Ukrainian Lessons Podcast – https://www.ukrainianlessons.com/thepodcast/

Transcript, Vocabulary, and Exercises!

Become a premium member to receive the Lesson Notes.

Конспект уроку – lesson notes for this episode include:

  • Full transcript of the whole episode in Ukrainian;
  • Vocabulary: translation of more difficult words on the side;
  • Idioms & expressions: table of the idioms mentioned in the episode (with English translation);
  • Grammar table: using один одного / одне одного in Ukrainian
  • Bonus Exercises to practice idioms and grammar.