Літо — Summer Vocabulary in Ukrainian (with Illustrations and Audio)
Літо is the season of holidays, sun, and rest. Have a look at summer vocabulary in Ukrainian and learn how to say the most common summer words here. Also, practice your pronunciation with our recordings!
Котра година? — Time Vocabulary in Ukrainian (Infographic)
Learn how to ask and tell the time in Ukrainian with our comprehensive downloadable table!
Майбутній час — Future Tense in Ukrainian (Grammar Tables)
Study the tables of the future tense in Ukrainian and learn how to talk about future like a native.
Порядкові числівники — Ordinal Numbers (Downloadable Table)
To point out the order of the person or object, we use порядкові числівники – ordinal numbers in Ukrainian. They are quite simple because almost each word forms like an adjective.
Ukrainian Song — Підманула-підвела (Pidmanula Pidvela)
This Ukrainian song will show you the usage of Accusative case in Ukrainian. The famous folk song “Підманула підвела” tells a story about a pretty, but foxy girl, who plays with a boy in love. She promises him some activities all the time, but then she doesn’t come.
Типові прикметники — Common Ukrainian Adjectives (Useful Table and Audio)
It is about time to learn a new type of words – Ukrainian adjectives or прикметники. Here are some common opposites for you to improve your vocabulary!
20 Useful Short Ukrainian Words (Downloadable Table)
Sometimes short Ukrainian words can get more tricky than the normal ones. You can easily mix them up or confuse with the words from another foreign language. Also, these could be the first Ukrainian words you learn as they are so easy to pronounce.
Весна — Spring Vocabulary in Ukrainian (with Illustrations and Audio)
Let’s learn some words from spring vocabulary in Ukrainian. Listen to the pronunciation of them below.
У мене є / Я маю — I Have in Ukrainian (Difference and Conjugation)
In this short lesson, you will learn the most common way to say I have in Ukrainian and different forms of the pronouns used.