20 Ukrainian Idioms, Proverbs, and Expressions (with Pictures and Example Sentences)

Ukrainian idioms, proverbs, and expressions are an important part of everyday Ukrainian. Learning to use common idioms and expressions will make your Ukrainian sound more natural, so it’s a good idea to master some of these expressions.
7 Facts about Ukrainian Money — Hryvnia (+ Ukrainian Grammar Lesson)

Get acquainted with personalities and places depicted on the Ukrainian banknotes, find out the etymology of the Ukrainian currency name and other interesting facts! At the end take a virtual tour of The Museum of Money of the National Bank of Ukraine and take the quiz!
10 Uses of the Genitive Case in Ukrainian

Learn the main rules and examples of Genitive case in Ukrainian (with detailed explanations in English)!
Знахідний відмінок — Accusative Case in Ukrainian: How to Form and Use It

Today‘s article is about the Accusative case – Знахідний відмінок. It’s high time to talk about one of the most common ones, the Accusative case. Actually, the use of this case is quite easy!
Гав! Рох! and Other Animal Sounds in Ukrainian

One of the first things we learn as babies are the sounds that animals make, but did you know that these sounds are different in every language? Here is how animals sound in Ukrainian!
Introduction to Ukrainian Cases: Quick Overview of Each Case and Strategies for Learning

Cases in the Ukrainian language mean that the ending of nouns, adjectives and other words associated with those nouns change. If you have not been introduced to this concept yet, you have been learning words and phrases in their isolated pure forms.
60+ Words for Animals in Ukrainian (with Audio and Emojis)

Let’s learn over 60 names of animals in Ukrainian! The animals are categorized into groups: farm animals, wild animals, exotic animals, birds and insects, sea animals. Master your pronunciation repeating after the native speaker.
10 Best Ukrainian Songs of 2018

We have chosen best Ukrainian songs with video clips of 2018! Listen, watch and enjoy! Then tell us which of 10 Ukrainian songs of 2018 you liked the most!
Вчитель чи викладач? Зараз чи тепер? — Similar Ukrainian Words that Can Be Confusing

Learn the difference between confusing Ukrainian words! Яка різниця… – What is the difference between вчитель – викладач, зараз – тепер, любити – кохати?