Everyone needs to be encouraged, whether it is a learning accomplishment, career success, or personal occasion. 

Слова похвалиpraise words in Ukrainian — are excellent for making anyone feel proud. These words are also great helpers in any conversation, a way to react to positive news. 

Listen to the recordings below, train your pronunciation, and boost your speaking skills!

чудово — stunning

прекрасно — wonderful

блискуче — brilliant

відмінно — excellent

фантастично — fantastic

феноменально — phenomenal

дивовижно — amazing

супер — super

незрівнянно — beyond compare

неймовірно — incredible

молодець — well done

так тримати — keep it up

Are you searching for more ways to improve your Ukrainian? Learn more about our 5 Minute Ukrainian podcast for vocabulary practice!

FMU 1-10 | 7 helpful Ukrainian words to link sentences

FMU 1-23 | Vocabulary booster! Hobbies in Ukrainian

Learning Ukrainian and looking for great resources? Check out the 1000 most common words in Ukrainian with interactive flashcards. Also, you can learn Ukrainian step by step wherever you are with our free Ukrainian Lessons Podcast.