Using Ukrainian prepositions with cases might be confusing at first, and it will take time to practice, but with the right tools and reference materials, you will master them like any other grammar rule.

That is why I decided to create this table below to give you the opportunity to see the whole picture of the Ukrainian prepositions with cases, as well as the context to understand how to use them better.

If you are not familiar with the concept of cases in Ukrainian yet, check out our article “Introduction to Cases in Ukrainian language” first.

Pay attention!

In Ukrainian, one preposition can have different meanings and be used with different cases. For example:

  • бути на морі (to be at the seaside, locative)
  • їхати на море (to go to the seaside, accusative)
  • лежати на столі (to be (to lie) on the table, locative)
  • покласти на стіл (to put on the table, accusative)
Ukrainian prepositions with cases
Ми зараз в поїзді і їдемо на море. – We’re  now on a train and going to the seaside.


using prepositions with cases in Ukrainian
Ми зараз на морі, в Одесі – We’re now at the seaside, in Odesa.

You can find the prepositions that can be followed by different cases in a separate table in the bottom.

Ukrainian Prepositions with the Genitive Case

Прийменники з родовим відмінком

без without Я п’ю каву без цукру. – I drink coffee without sugar.
near, close
Біля нашого будинку є парк. – There is a park near our house. (also коло)
Він працює тут біля двох років. – He works here for about (approximately) two years. (also коло, близько)
від from
(a person)
Я отримала повідомлення від Павла. – I received a message from Pavlo.
для for Це – подарунок для мами. – This is a present for mom.
до to, towards
till, until
before, by
up to
Ми їдемо до Львова вранці. – We go to Lviv in the morning.
Я буду в офісі до вечора. – I will be in the office until the evening.
Ми вирішимо цю проблему до середи. – We will solve this issue by Wednesday.
На концерті було до тисячі людей. – There were up to a thousand people at the concert.
після after Після вечері ми ходимо на прогулянку. – After dinner, we go for a walk.
проти against
Я не маю нічого проти нього. – I have nothing against him.
навпроти opposite
in front of
Навпроти церкви ви побачите парк. – In front of the church you will see a park.
серед among Серед його друзів є багато українців. – Among his friends there are many Ukrainians.
навколо around Навколо нашого будинку є багато магазинів. – Around our house there are many shops.
з from Ігор їде на машині з Житомира. – Ihor is driving from Zhytomyr.
for the sake of Заради свободи ми готові боротися. – For the sake of freedom we are ready to fight.
у, в possession У тебе є кіт?- Do you have a cat?
В Олега є син. – Oleh has a son.

To get more practice of using genitive case with prepositions, listen to the Ukrainian Lessons Podcast episode №48: Eating habits + Genitive case.

Ukrainian Prepositions with the Dative Сase

Прийменники з давальним відмінком

завдяки thanks to Завдяки цій пісні я запам’ятав багато нових слів. – Thanks to this song I memorized a lot of new words.
всупереч contrary to, despite Всупереч її пораді, він купив стару машину. – Contrary to her advice, he bought an old car.

Want to know how to use the dative case in Ukrainian? Start with the Ukrainian Lessons Podcast episode №51: Electronics and technology + Dative Case.

Ukrainian Prepositions with the Accusative Case

Прийменники зі знахідним відмінком

у, в in, into, to
on (days of the week)
Поклади це в коробку. – Put this in the box.
Вони приїдуть в Ужгород у понеділок. – They will come to Uzhhorod on Monday.
на to, for (direction)
on, onto
Ми йдемо на концерт увечері. – We are going to the concert tonight. Поклади це на стіл. – Put it on the table.
про  about Цей фільм про Другу світову війну? – Is this movie about the Second World War?
по for (object of motion) Тато пішов по воду. – Dad went to bring some water.
через across
because of
in (time)
Нам треба перейти через дорогу. – We need to cross the street.
Через погоду ми залишились вдома – Because of the weather, we stayed at home.
Через тиждень я буду в Києві. – In a week, I will be in Kyiv.
instead of Оля буде працювати замість (за) тебе. – Olia will work instead of you.
під under (direction) Іграшка впала під стіл. – The toy fell under the table.

Learn how to use the accusative case in context with the Ukrainian Lessons Podcast episode №57: Your schedule in Ukrainian + Accusative case with prepositions.

Ukrainian Prepositions with the Instrumental Case

Прийменники з орудним відмінком

з with Я п’ю каву з цукром. – I drink coffee with sugar.
між between Він живе між парком і школою. –  He lives between the park and the school.
за behind, after За нашою школою є садок. – There is a garden behind our school.
Іди за мною. –  Follow me. (“Walk after me”).
над above
on (object of work)
Над диваном висить картина. – The picture is hanging above the couch.
Зараз ми працюємо над граматикою. – We are working on grammar now.
перед in front of
Перед театром є затишна кав’ярня. – There is a cozy café in front of the theatre.
Я дуже хвилювалася перед співбесідою. – I was very worried before the interview.
під under Вони сидять під деревом. – They are sitting under the tree.

Discover the Ukrainian Christmas dinner menu and the Instrumental case by listening to the Ukrainian Lessons Podcast Episode 61!

Ukrainian Prepositions with the Locative Case

Прийменники з місцевим відмінком

у, в in, at Я живу у Львові, в Україні. –  I live in Lviv, in Ukraine.
Ми зараз у школі. – We are at/in school now (the same phrase could be used for the two meanings).
на on, at Книга лежить на столі. –  The book is (lying) on the table.
Я зараз на концерті. – I am at the concert now.
при by При вході в хату росте вишня. – By the entrance to the house, there is a cherry tree growing.
по along, around (motion along the space) Я йду по вулиці Лесі Українки. – I am walking along the Lesia Ukrainka street.
 о at (hour) Ми зустрічаємося о сьомій годині. – We’ll meet at 7 o’clock.

Learn the difference between prepositions у, в, на for location and destination and practice the Locative case in the Ukrainian Lessons Podcast episode #66: Sharing memories + Locative case with places.

Ukrainian Prepositions Used with Different Cases

у, в possession + G У тебе є кіт?- Do you have a cat?
В Олега є син. – Oleh has a son.
direction, motion,
days of the week
+ A Поклади це в коробку. – Put this in the box.
Вони приїдуть в Ужгород у понеділок. – They will come to Uzhhorod on Monday.
static location + L Я живу у Львові, в Україні. –  I live in Lviv, in Ukraine.
Ми зараз в школі. – We are at/in school now.
на direction, motion + A Ми йдемо на концерт увечері. – We are going to the concert tonight. Поклади це на стіл. – Put it on the table.
static location + L Книга лежить на столі. –  The book is on the table.
Я зараз на концерті. – I am at the concert now.
direction, motion + A Іграшка впала під стіл. – The toy fell under the table.
Ходімо за школу, в садок. – Let’s go behind the school, to the garden.
static location + I Вони сидять під деревом. – They are sitting under the tree.
За нашою школою є садок. – There is a garden behind our school.
з from + G Ігор їде на машині з Житомира. – Ihor is driving from Zhytomyr.
with + I Я п’ю каву з цукром. – I drink coffee with sugar.


I sincerely hope that this article and the tables can help you understand and learn the prepositions and which cases they are used. Keep practicing, and you will memorize them in no time!

Learning Ukrainian and looking for more great resources? Check our 1000 most common words in Ukrainian with interactive flashcards. Also, you can learn Ukrainian step by step wherever you are with our free Ukrainian Lessons Podcast.