In this lesson, we are going to explore гастрономічні фестивалі – food festivals, while also learning and practicing the Genitive case in Ukrainian at the same time.
До роботи! Let’s get to work!
In this Ukrainian Lesson, you will:
- listen to my introduction in Ukrainian about the Knowledge Day in Ukraine;
- listen to the informal conversation about the food festivals in Ukraine;
- learn more about how to use the Genitive case in Ukrainian and get comprehensive examples straight from the dialogue;
- practice using the expressions of time in the Genitive case;
- discover more food festivals in Ukraine!
Food festivals mentioned:
- Фестиваль дерунів у Коростені
- Фестиваль вуличної їжі у Києві
- Фестиваль хліба “Хліб своїми руками” у Обирках, Чернігівська область
- Фестиваль національної кухні у Луцьку
- Фестиваль борщу у місті Борщів, Тернопільська область
Transcript, Vocabulary List, and Flashcards!
Download this Lesson’s Notes for free! The PDF includes:
- Full transcript & translation of all the Ukrainian parts of the lesson (including the introduction);
- Dialogue and question: use the PDF as a worksheet to write down the answer to my question before the dialogue;
- Grammar chart: a single-page and easy-to-use chart of the Genitive endings of nouns, adjectives, and pronouns;
- Bonus Exercise to practice forming the Genitive;
- Vocabulary List: new words from the episode in a chart with English translation.
As a premium member, you also get access to:
- The lesson notes of the episodes you subscribe to;
- Private Community on Facebook for the free practice of Ukrainian;
- Digital flashcards with all the new words every 10 episodes!