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Start learning Ukrainian, improve your language skills and discover Ukrainian culture with Anna Ohoiko and the weekly Ukrainian Lessons Podcast episodes. 

5 Minute Ukrainian is a podcast from Ukrainian Lessons that is all about conversations. 

Ukrainian Lessons Podcast:

5 Minute Ukrainian

5 Minute Ukrainian is a podcast from Ukrainian Lessons that is all about conversations.
Subscribe in your favorite podcast app or listen on the website below.

Our 5-minute lessons include:

In only 5 minutes you will:

Short dialogues

Each episode contains a short dialogue that you will listen to in natural and slow speed.

Essential phrases

Then your host Anna will teach you some essential phrases for that particular situation.

Listening again

At the very end, you will listen to the dialogue again.

Here are some situations
we will cover:

🚕 Talking to an Uber driver in Kyiv

🏦 Opening a bank account in Ukraine

💭 and more...

📦 Picking up a parcel at Nova Poshta

5 Minute Ukrainian episodes:

Meet the Host:

Привіт! Мене звати Анна і я ваша вчителька української 🙂

Hi there! My name is Anna, and I am your Ukrainian teacher 😃

I created the Ukrainian Lessons Podcast to give people all around the world access to learning my language wherever they are – on the way to work, in the car, or on the plane to Ukraine!

I speak six foreign languages, and I have experienced living in different countries. I also dedicated six years of studies and a whole career to my beloved Ukrainian. That is because I strongly believe it is my strength and mission to teach the Ukrainian language and culture to the world by means of digital technology.

Join me and my students in this adventure!

Привіт! Вітаю на сайті!

Мене звати Анна Огойко, я вчитель української мови та розробник освітніх ресурсів. Я створив цей веб-сайт для вивчення української мови, щоб ділитися якісними та корисними уроками української мови онлайн.

Я володію п’ятьма іноземними мовами і багато подорожую. Тож я відчуваю, що моя сила та місія – ділитися українською мовою та культурою зі світом за допомогою цифрових технологій.

Get more with
5 Minute Ukrainian
Premium Membership!

On the first page, you will find full text of the episode’s conversation so that you could practice reading. There are also stress signs above each words which is important to get your Ukrainian pronunciation right.

You can see English translation on the side of the dialogue transcript. Read it to make sure you understood every line right.

Lesson notes also come with a list of phrases that were mentioned in the episode (with stresses and translation). Plus, there are some bonus phrases on the same topic that were not in the main lesson.

Convenient and easy to print exercises will help you to practice words and phrases covered in the episode and even dig a little deeper into the language. The answers to the exercises are included in the next lesson notes – this allows you to review the previous topic before starting a new one.

We love Anki flashcards! Based on spaced repetition technique, this tool has proved to be great for learning and reviewing vocabulary and phrases. That is why, for every ten episodes of the podcast, we prepared a deck of flashcards that you can use in the Anki app (free for most devices, except iPhone and iPad). They also include fun images, word stresses, and audio recorded by your teacher Anna.

5 Minute Ukrainian Premium Plans:

First half of the course
Episodes 1-30
Second half of the course
Episodes 31-60
Full course of 60 lessons
Episodes 1-60
First half
Episodes 1-30
Second half
Episodes 31-60
Full Course
All 60 lessons
Full course of 60 lessons
Episodes 1-60

Try free Lesson Notes for the first episode of
5 Minute Ukrainian.

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Our Happy Listeners

I would recommend everyone to subscribe to the premium membership, it justifies its value 100%… better when you leave your українські friends amazed by your progress in their beautiful language. Hopefully, Anna will one day recreate this course for native Spanish speakers that want to learn Ukrainian 🙂

Luis A. Zapata

Frequently Asked Questions

There are two types of materials in Premium Membership: 1) printable PDF Lesson Notes for each podcast episode; 2) Anki decks of digital flashcards with vocabulary from lessons. In Lesson Notes, you will find dialogue transcripts, English translations, vocabulary lists, bonus explanations, and exercises. The content depends on the season of the podcast.

To start, you will need to download the official Anki app on your device. This app is free for most devices (Windows, Mac, Android), however, you have to pay a one-time payment to use it on iOS. After purchasing the premium, you will receive the files that you will open in Anki. We will also send you additional instructions about how to set everything up.

If you are a complete beginner or have some basic knowledge, consider starting with season 1. You can try listening to it here and if the episodes are too easy for you, move on to season 2. If you are already almost fluent in Ukrainian and just need additional practice, we suggest seasons 4 & 5 ― they contain lessons that are 100% in simple slow Ukrainian. 

No, we offer different premium subscriptions for these podcasts. You can check out our premium offer for 5 Minute Ukrainian by this link

You are provided with the details about this product. You also have access to the sample of the book and flashcards. This is a digital product. So, as soon as payment has been made, the customer can download all associated content. For this reason, we do not offer refunds on this product.

You can pay with a credit card in any currency, but the price is in Euros, so some conversion fees are possible at the checkout (depending on your bank conversion rates). Also, the VAT is included in some countries (e.g., in the EU).

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